Planners are filled out by 8:30 each
morning, and then are given a smiley stamp of approval by
the day's helpers. After last recess, before starting the
last class of the day, students go over
their planners. They check off what is done and
circle what they have left. Then, they gather the materials
they need to take home with them to complete any undone
assignments. Please check your child's planner each
night and sign it to be returned the next day. Thank
you for all your support in helping your child to grow toward
becoming more organized and accountable.

A great strategy that will help your
child be successful is for him to put his planner, books,
papers, and any materials he needs to bring for the next day
directly into his book bag upon completion of his homework.
This helps to avoid that 'mad dash' as you go out the door in
the morning, and helps to ensure that your child has everything
necessary for that day's classes.
Let your student know how important
it is that he fill out his planner completely and correctly.
Encourage him to refer to it often as a tool to help him make
sure that all work is completed and that he has all the
materials he needs to be successful.
Folders come home each Friday and need to be signed and
returned by Tuesday morning. During the week, each student keeps all
returned papers and tests in his own private mailbox. If
possible, all important notes or awards are kept there, as well.
On Fridays, these papers are placed in the Friday Folders to be
taken home. Together with your child, please go over the week's work and
fill out the Parent-Teacher Communication form. Please
place any signed tests or forms that need to be returned in the
folder. It is the responsibility of your student
to see to it that the folder and papers are signed and returned
to school. Thank you for all your assistance in helping
your child to accept responsibility for his learning.
If you would prefer that your student
brings home his papers each day, please just let me know.
That is not a problem at all. It has just been my
experience that for the majority of the students, Friday Folders
work very well to help ensure that important papers do make it
home, and that the lines of communication stay strong between
home and school.