Our Really
Exciting Online
Project!! |
On Thursday, September 28th, we
took up the OREO 2006 Challenge!! We started off by taking the
timed OREO Maze. Unlike me, the fifth graders excelled at
successfully completing the Maze!! Our fastest time went to
Courtney at 45 seconds!! Amazing!! Many others were right behind
here, finishing in only a matter of seconds more!! Wow, 5th Graders!!!
After the Maze Challenge, we explored fascinating facts of trivia about
the OREO cookie. We learned some pretty amazing things about this
little cookie which is among America's favorites. Be sure to check
out the Trivia link on the preceding page!
Each student was then given a
data sheet with which to make a prediction of how many Oreo cookies
would be in his stack and to keep track of his results. A packet of
worksheets was also given to each student. These covered a variety
of skills, such as math, reading, and brain teasers. Many thanks
to all who contributed them to the OREO Project site!! While the
majority of the class worked on their packets, three students at a time
went to the back table to try out their cookie stacking skills!
Thank you, Mrs. V., for all your help!! It was such fun to watch the
concentration and the many problem solving strategies in action! Be sure
to read Nicole's and Mrs. Vaughan's observations of the OREO Project on
the Sept. 27th NEWS AND VIEWS page. Many thanks to them
for writing a report of our OREO Challenge Project!!
After everyone, students and
teachers, had had their chance at making a cookie tower, each
participant found the average of his two tries. These averages
were recorded, and then everyone worked together to find our class
average. Last of all, we took part in an OREO personality test
found for us by Mrs. Goldade!! This was a 'just for fun' diagnosis
of personality, based on how a person eats an OREO cookie. We all had a
good laugh at the results of that test!! Thank you, Mrs. Goldade!!
Our deepest appreciation
goes to Jennifer
Wagner, creator
of TechnospudProjects for all her great ideas and her commitment to
bringing classrooms from around the globe together to collaborate on
projects utilizing technology in the classroom. Thanks, Jen!!
NOW, for the results of our class and our buddy class
from Scotland!!! |
Scotland's Primary 4 level compares to our 2nd
Grade. 13=Class
Average 18=Highest
Tower Congratulations, Alexandra!!
Maze=1 min. 18 seconds
Congratulations, Cameron!!
Mrs. P.'s Best=16
18=Class Average
22=Highest Tower
Congratulations, Brady!!
Maze=45 seconds
Congratulations, Courtney!!
Mrs. E.'s Best=16