Welcome to fifth grade!
It is indeed an honor to have you in my class! I look forward to guiding you on the next leg of your journey through elementary school. It has been a wonderful privilege to have been a witness to all you have achieved as you have progressed through each previous grade. What hard workers you are, and what great things you have accomplished so far!!
Another exciting year lies ahead! As the oldest in the elementary, fifth graders are given many special "perks" ! Some of those cool "perks" are: taking care of the school flag, Bus Buddies, lunchroom helpers, library helpers, DARE, band, Homeworkopoly, Kindergarten Reading Buddies, eating in the classroom, helping Mr. Kay with special projects, Student Council, working in the concession stand, passing out programs at concerts, helping with Presidential Fitness Award testing, Presidential Academic Awards, Couch Potatoes, Literature Circles, Lunch Bunch... WOW!!!
Pretty awesome, but along with privilege comes responsibility. Younger students are watching you, so it is very important that you make wise choices, both academically and personally. It is even more important that you make these wise choices for your own sake, as they will help you to lay the foundation for a happy and successful future. It is my sincere hope that this is a challenge you are ready to accept.
Because Fifth Grade is the last year before you move down to Middle School, two of our most important goals for the year are for you to learn to be well-organized and to learn to accept responsibility for your own learning. Having papers done neatly; following directions; handing in work on time; using work time wisely; having the necessary materials for class; keeping a neat desk and locker; bringing weather appropriate clothing for recess; working independently, yet asking questions when needed; following classroom procedures; being respectful of yourself and of others; accepting the consequences of your actions...these are the signs of a responsible, well-organized student. Developing these positive habits will ensure not only success in school, but success in life, as well.
Again, welcome to fifth grade!! I am so excited to have you in class! I hope you will take the time to explore our website and use some of the links and helps that you will find on it. As the year progresses, we will be filling it with photos and reports of all the activities that we will be sharing! Working together as a team, we are going to achieve great things! I can't wait to get started; how about you?!!