In December of 2002, members of several of South Dakota's Army National Guard Units were called to active duty as war with Iraq became imminent. Our very own high school principal, Mr. E., a member of the 727th Transportation Unit, answered the call. He was stationed first at Ft. Carson. CO until deployment to Kuwait as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom in early April, 2003, just weeks after the start of the war. December of 2003, Battalion 2, 147th Field Artillery of the SD National Guard was activated. This call-up involved many soldiers with ties to the Warner community, including several recent Warner graduates.
The 147th trained first at Ft. Sill, OK. Deploying to Kuwait in late January, 2004 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom II., they arrived in Iraq in early February. Thankfully, the soldiers of the 727th and the 147th returned safely home., Mr. E. in April, 2004, and the men of the 147th in February, 2005. Other soldiers with ties to the Warner community have served and are serving as members of the regular Armed Forces. These, our "special soldiers", along with all those who serve the USA, are truly our heroes, and we are so grateful for all the sacrifices they and their families make on our behalf.
It is so very important to guide our children to an awareness of how blessed we are to live in a country such as ours, and to help them realize that along with privilege, comes responsibility. Equally important is to teach them to recognize and be appreciative of the sacrifices others make on their behalf. It is also imperative that our children are taught that, no matter what their age, they can make a difference in the lives of others. With these goals in mind, the Warner Fifth Grade has striven to play an active role in the support of our military and their families. These fifth graders are to be highly commended for their generous and enthusiastic efforts. They have put their whole heart into each and every project undertaken, and are truly an inspiration. Way to go 5th graders!! We are so very proud of you!!!. |
OUR soldier heroes: |
On Active Duty: | Letter Writing | Care Packages |
Birthday Cards |
Donate calling cards to our troops, so they can call home
- http:/www.operationuplink.org/
Ross (Navy) | ||||
Steve (Nat.Guard, Iraq) | Give2TheTroops http://www.give2thetroops.org/ | |||
Lance, Army-Back from Iraq, Now in Belgium | Elementary Music Video | Christmas Presents | Get Well Cards | Postcards filled out on line, printed and delivered by Xerox: Let's Say Thanks Program. |
Steve A. | ||||
Trampas (Iraq) | ||||
Ross (Afghanistan) | VBS Banner of Support which hung in the chapel at Cedar II Base in Iraq | Participated in the folding of Pocket Flags for Soldiers Program thanks to efforts of Heather B. and the Aberdeen and Warner American Legion Posts and Auxiliaries | Holiday Cards: Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving | Send a greeting via e-mail through Operation Dear Abby - http://anyservicemember.navy.mil |
Jennifer (Kuwait) | ||||
Members of SD National Guard Units |
Presidential Prayer Team: Adopt Our Troops in Prayer www.adoptourtroopsinprayer.com |
Kirk | www.OperationDearAbby.net | |||
Jamie | http://www.anysoldier.com/ | |||
Andrea | ||||
Members of the 452nd Army Reserve |
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Sign a virtual "Thank You" card at the Defend America Web site - http://www.defendamerica.mil/nmam.htm | ||
Scott |
Donate to "Operation USO Care Package" - http://www.usometrodc.org/care.html |
Members of the National Guard's 147th, 1st Battalion |
Support the American Red Cross Armed
Forces Emergency Services -
http://www.redcross.org/services/afes/ |
Ryan |
Make a donation to one of the military relief societies: |
Michael | Army Emergency Relief - http://www.aerhq.org/ |
Jeff | Navy/Marine Corp Relief Society - http://www.nmcrs.org/ | |||
Jill | Collected Toys for Iraqi Kids | Valentine Gift Bags | Welcome Home Song in Spring Concert, 2004 |
Air Force Aid Society -
Bob | ||||
Ryan | Scrapbook of Elementary Happenings | 4th of July Decorations sent to Cedar II | Birthday Presents | Coast Guard Mutual Assistance - http://www.cgmahq.org/ |
Mike | ||||
Chad | Telephone Tree Project: Phone cards for Soldiers, Christmas 2004 |
Patriotic Christmas Tree in Honor of Area Soldiers
Patriots Board Display |
BEAUTIFUL SONGS OF TRIBUTE Armed Forces Tribute: "Somebody's Praying" |
Darin | ||||
Matt | Participated in Gov. Rounds' Christmas Cards for SD Soldiers, 2003 and 2004 | Welcome Home Gifts | Put
Up Yellow Ribbons Around
Wade | ||||
Brent | ||||
Jarod | ||||
Lars | Performed in Community Welcome Home for Area Soldiers Program, 2005 | Welcome Home Quilt, 2005 | You Are My Hero booklet / Power Point CD for Community Welcome Home Program,2005 | |
Wes |
Colin |
Presented Veteran's Day Play to K-4 | Hosted Veteran's Day Speakers, 2003, 2004, 2005 | Hosted and Performed in Veterans Day Program attended by 20 area Veterans, 2006 | |
Made Veterans Day cards sent to Vet Hospitals |
Valentines for Veterans, sent to Vet Hospitals |
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Made Christmas postcards for SD units in Iraq, 2006 |
Wrote Christmas e-mail postcards @ Lets Say Thanks.com, 2006 | |||
Dear Soldiers, Thank you so very much for your letters and visits! There are no words with which to express our deep gratitude for and admiration of the countless sacrifices made by you and your families on our behalf. By example, you have enriched our understandings of: loyalty, sacrifice, courage, honor, and love of country. You have taught us what it means to stand tall and walk proud for what we truly believe in, no matter what the personal cost. These are lessons that do not come from textbooks, but from lives lived well. Thank you! You make us proud to be Americans! May God Bless you and yours, always. Mrs. E. and Warner Fifth Grade Spring 2005
5th Graders
2002-2003 Tyler, Bo, Matt C., Amanda, Crystal, Matt G., Chris, Aaron, Meghan, Matt. O., Jackson, Elizabeth, Wil, Gil, Heather, Chelsea, Kevin 2003-2004 Andy B., Andy F., Brady, Josh, Mitch, Dylan, Alyssa, Briana, Matt, Paul, Casey, Chad, Emily, Taylor, Codey, Carson, Tanner, Chris 2004-2005 Holly, Logan, Lexi, O'Ryan, Jeremy Rikki, Levi, John, Brandon, Brianna, Karly, Erin, Michael, Taylor, Mallory, Emily, Traci, Paige, Kacy, Trevor, Gregory, Connor, Daryn, Dreena, Samantha 2005-2006 Tennison, Kaitlyn, Dirk, Mitchell, Ryan, Tanner, Collin, Alyssa, Macey, Connor, Adam, Brian, Clay, Jake, Kim, Landon, Jack, Michele, Trevor, Jeremy, Paige, Jarrod, Garrett, Jesse 2006-2007 Lacey, Evan, Sidney,Jerrick, Jese, Alondra, Taylor, Nicole, Kari, Courtney, Brady, Tyler, Andrew, Elizabeth, Joey, Trissa, Blake, Erin, Miranda, Carly, Chris, Parker, Emily, Ellen 2007-2008 Chelsy, Courtney, Kaitlyn, Shelby, Ryder, Jenna, Kayla, Tara, Sami, Ryan, Kalli, Delano, Brody, Brady, Erin, Traiton, Patricia, Ashley, Jaici, Tanner, Kyle, Kelsey, Bailee, Madison
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